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Friday, April 1, 2011

The Government Budget impass between the Political parties

I know I haven't posted in a while this is due to the fact I have been focusing on job searching rather than making comments about anything.

Lately I have been thinking of the Federal Government and the impass that the Politial Parties have on their hands at the moment.  Fortunately both parties can agree that budgets need to be cut but it is unfortunate that they cannot agree on what items in each departments budgets should be cut.  At the same time the budgets need to be cut the people in Congress needs to take a magnifying glass to the business practices of each individual office of each agency and department to see which practices are out dated or are impracticle, such as a redundancy that doesn't need to be there or the political cronies that are placed in different agencies that are put there over people who are actually qualified to be there.

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