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Friday, December 30, 2011

Occupy Boston

I feel like I belong in Occupy Boston due to the fact that the movement in general is trying to get it out there that there is more to our economy than the Uber Rich and Large Conglomerates.  At the same time I feel like the movement in general is the Hippy Movement, that has no focus or direction.

I had written a plan of action for the Occupy Movement to ponder which took roughly a month for anyone in the movement to give any feedback on it and the individual actually liked it enough to suggest that I bring it up in one of their forums.  I ended up joining a couple of their email lists and found that there are people that are interested in doing more than just protesting, the problem is, that the people involved don't necessarily know how to start an organization as large as what they are trying to get going but those who were serious about the movement are genuinely trying to get an organization going.

I applaud those in the Occupy Movement that are trying to make it more than just protesting.  I am more than happy to be apart of it provided they can actually get it going and are willing to take a serious look at my idea while allowing me to be apart of my idea.

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