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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

seans forms

I wish I knew something about marketing especially online marketing using social media to promote the site I put together in order to help earn some extra cash or to actually turn into a full time business.

I put together the site due to having been told by a few doctors that I should go into business putting together what I call a Home Health Organizer and Planner after seeing what I did for my parents in regards to putting together one for my parents where the doctors thought it was well organized and the doctors stating that they wish more patients had what I put together.

Granted there are things like the I.C.E. Credit Card and other things that first responders, medical clinics and medical specialists would need to know up front but you if you have a computer, you would have to feel comfortable using the software and if you do not have a computer you have to go t someone you trust that has a computer that would be willing to help you put the information into the item.

My Home Health Organizer and Planner does have a sheet that allows you to fill in the information such as who each of your doctors are, their office information and medications listed by doctor with the dosing instructions. The sheet also allows you to give other pertinent information such as allergies and known medical conditions along with the hospital information if you are routinely seen at a specific hospital.

My planner also has a monthly calendar with the month on one side of the sheet and a doctors appointment planner on the reverse side for the specific month on the front side of the sheet.

For those who require multiple medications there is a chart to keep track of your prescriptions so that you know when it was filled and how many refills you have left on the prescriptions.

Depending on what else besides your monthly doctors appointments and the information that you would routinely give to a clinic, specialist or when you are having a procedure done, you can have other things in it like a chart to keep track of you blood pressure, your blood sugar, your pulse & oxygen from an oximeter, and any chart that I can potentially make that could be added to the planner.

I invite anyone who reads this blog post to view my site and don't be afraid to contact me if you would like one for yourself and please share the link to the site with people or organizations that you feel could benefit from such a product that I am offering on my website.

Thank you for your time,

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