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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jobs, Gas, Mass transit

given the unemployment rate and the skyrocketing gas prices, there has to be serious consideration given to designing job search criteria that is based on the availability of mass transit in areas that have mass transit for those who are currently unemployed and really cannot afford the skyrocketing gas prices and for those who are in general looking for a new job that are looking for jobs based on how much they can save on gas.

In areas that do have mass transit from the simple act of people willing and able to utilize the services offered by mass transit it helps both the individual using it and the service provider. The transit agency like other companies have to deal with the rising costs of gas as well as the individual that drives who could actually utilize the services of the transit agency.

If those people who could potentially take mass transit actually utilized the services offered to commute it would allow the transit agency to bring in more revenue without adverse reactions to their customer base while allowing the commuter to save on gas and all of the up keep of their personal vehicle.

The only real downfall for those looking to utilize the mass transit system in a given area is their start time at work or a lack of available mass transit service to a given area, but those companies who's hours of operation and location permit usage of any or all of the modes of transportation that the areas mass transit offers, may want to consider getting their employees to utilize the services offered to help their employees save money.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

the race for the democratic nomination

I don't think that any of the candidates running for office are actually going for the office of the president strictly for the sake of running the country.

In regards to the democratic candidates, I feel that even if Hilary is really running to make positive changes, she would be unable to due to the fact she thinks too much like the national level politicians that bicker more than work. Obama, he has had the habit of bringing up that he grew up poor and really hasn't talked about his mixed heritage like he did early on in the campaign, he reminds me of the people who want nothing to do with their life before they made it to where they are now and I have known a few people like that.

Hilary has to show that she is capable of not thinking like the normal politician, and Obama even though being born poor still can be an elitist given his attitude and achievements.

I do think that Hilary should drop out but at the same time I think that she be on the ticket as the vice presidential candidate to make it harder for McCain to win.

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