The job market today is a lot different than it was when I started working 23 years ago when I was 16 and working part time for school.
I had started my first job when the stock market was only at roughly 2500 which is a far cry fromthe 10000 to 12000 it is now. When the stock market went down the roughly 500 point in one day that year everyone one acted like it was the end of the world now people act like it's no big deal.
The job market itself was far different, the job market seemed like we were doing everything right when it came to putting people to work now it seems like we can't do anything right and we are floundering and faultering at the very thought that there may not be an easy way to get the lost jobs back.
The nation has come to a point where it has to think globally when it comes to the economy rather than thinking that we are the one that the world needs when it comes to the economies of the world. We have so actively tried to save money by taking jobs overseas to other countries that we are at the verge of losing our identity as a nation of manufacturers, inventors and innovators, only to become a service based nation which is what a lot of people in this country don't want.
It is ironic that the very jobs that many people don't want are leaving and those same people who didn't want those jobs are yelling and screaming that we are losing those jobs.
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Friday, January 7, 2011
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