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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jobs and the crazy weather

The rich are saying that the middle class and the poor need to find jobs, while the middle class and the poor have made the point that the jobs that they are being told to get just aren't there due to the rich not creating jobs like the Republicans are saying they are doing by having a cap on the taxable income and the ever lowering taxes for the rich.

In the Midwest stretching from the Mexican boarder to the Canadian boarder that whole area has been been in a drought all year and it appears to be getting worse as time goes by. 

I would like to know why no one has thought of creating jobs by desalinating water on a scale that would help the Midwest with its water problems?  We have a total of 23 states that have some coastline and more than one territory that has coastlines, why not create jobs by building desalination plants along the coastlines of those states that have direct ocean access or build desalination plants a little way inland and build pipelines to the plants with there being multiple plants in each state that has the room for such endeavors.

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