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Sunday, March 29, 2009

jobs, unemployment, skin cancer, friends

its been a year since I had been diagnosed with skin cancer. In that time I had lost a job due to the place I was working at closing, while recovering from surgery to removed I was forced to be on unemployment and looking for a new job. even though I had that going on I could not have asked for better time of year to be off where I ended up having most of the summer off from having to go to work every day so I could recover more easily from the surgery, not because of the type of surgery but from where I had the surgery.

a month or two after I was fully recovered from the surgery I ended up with a better job than I had left last spring. Even though some of the social interactions are weirder than I am accustomed too I feel as if I have found some better friends than I had in my last job aside from a couple people in my last job I still have contact with.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

stem cell research reversal

I am happy that President Obama reversed President Bush's decision to ban stem cell research. I believe that every life is important but I also feel that there is no gaurantee that the embryos would mature enough to be a viable life.

I feel that regardless of religious beliefs, the good of the many in most cases out weighs the good of the one but in the case of medicine the needs of the one help push forward the research that helps us deal with the needs of the many and we need to explore options that we may not always agree with. we have shown in the past that under certain conditions we will forego ethics so we can save a live during war time which means we cannot pick and choose our battles with medicine as long as we don't intend to hurt anyone.

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