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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why is it that most wheelchairs are dark colors?

Before my brother Tommy had gotten hit by the car, I had already been asking myself why the manufacturers of wheelchairs tend to use dark colors for their wheelchairs where it causes safety issues for the user if they are ever in an area where they need to use the roads at night when there are no sidewalks and at crosswalks.

I had been asking myself to the point that I had bought reflective tape and reflectors for my moms and a friends electric wheelchairs a couple weeks before my brother had gotten hit by the car.  After he got hit, it showed the inherent problems with the dark colored wheelchairs when it comes to safety, and I concerned enough to decide to buy reflective tape and reflectors for a neighbor in my apartment complex so that way she can use them if she feels that she needs them.

Safety for those who need any type of mobility devices is paramount when they are being manufactured.  Those who need to utilize mobility devices have limited options in terms of colors that permit them to be seen by oncoming traffic with the only color being used is chrome for some metal parts but it isn't an industry standard for safety.

I feel that the manufacturers of mobility devices should be required to manufacture their products to be highly visible when in low light situations, whether it be a paint job with reflective properties or if there are items that glow in the dark with the material being able to glow in the dark for as long as possible.

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