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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Trying to promote - drive traffic to my Etsy store

On January 1, 2019, I opened up a store on due to having been told by multiple medical professionals that I should do for others what I've done for my parents in terms of medication lists and other forms/charts.  I figured that with my schedule it would be easiest to open up a digital shop for generic blanks of some of the stuff I've done.

I know that people can and do have things like their own medication lists and such or have an app that has the listings.  At the same time I do know that not everyone has the mentality to maintain them or has a way to print them them from an app so having sheets that can be used to either fill in as needed or to be used as a template for their own versions is a good thing especially if they purchase a copy of what I have on my site to either fill in as needed or to use as a template.

Please feel free to visit my store and if you need one of the items I am selling or if you know someone who could use it please purchase something.

Thank you  -  Sean Davis

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