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Thursday, May 10, 2007


Given the recent convention for the Bio-Tech field and the bio-lab being built on the campus of Boston Medical Center, it is easy for many to assume that all we are trying to accomplish with the Bio-Tech field is weapons grade bacteria and virus's or animal cruelty supposedly in the name of science.

By no means am I trying to say there hasn't been animal cruelty or that we are not looking for weapons grade material but they are not the only things to have come out of the Bio-Tech field. If every protester were to look at the advancements that we have made in treating medical and physical conditions both human an animals in recent years they will see they themselves have had medical procedures done to them that potentially were tested on people or animals for which they are protesting.

The Bio-Tech field is more disperse than the protesters would have us believe but if you want to boil it down to weapons grade materials, we are not the only nation to have those materials and some of them can last for years in the environment, you might want to think about it this way:

If we are capable of using bio-warfare tactics; they are capable of using bio-warfare.

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